Do you want to play a game?
You need to make it first! Remember the movie, was one of my favorite movies of all time! It was also one of my thoughts and things I was always was facinated with is games. How to go about doing it, where and how to start? I remember in the early days of computers, Basic programming was the simplest way to go in the beginning. But now games are getting more realistic and involves a ton of graphics. One of the best ways to get started is using a program that does a great job of setting one up along the way would be a great help. A company called Unreal is a great way to start learning about game development. Since i'm just starting out, I too is just beginning. What Unity offers is a free personal account to start and it is free as long as you make less that $125k a year! Since i'm just a beginner, i'm more interested on how they do it rather than making and selling games. This is what I thought would be a great site of information on what I ran into going along in the process! Also it can be a place where I can place my thoughts on what I have done. Tell me... what do you think!? Drop me a line on what have you found! Thanks for visiting!
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